Active in Living the Gospel

Well, another week living the missionary life which mostly included: fallen citas, people pretending they weren´t home, investigators who don´t keep commitments, just one investigator at church, and 2 days in San Pedro for doctor and dentist appointments. Woohoo! But it´s all good.

We´re almost done digging the hole for Hermana A for her latrine. It is now about a foot or so above my head. We still lack another meter or so. Hopefully we can finish it this upcoming Saturday. She will be excited for that.

We had a noche de hermanamiento this past Thursday where we watched the church video on John Tanner and his living of the law of consecration. It´s amazing to see his example in living this higher law. As members of the church, we may not have to sell everything we have, pack up, and leave our homes to go establish Zion, but the Lord does expect us to abandon our natural man tendencies and live righteously. 

We were talking with a stake high counselor at lunch on Sunday after church and he said there are two types of ¨active¨ members: those who are active in the church, and those who are active in living the gospel. First off, there are many many inactive members here in Honduras. I don´t know how it happens, but when we talk to them it´s as if they had not learned anything in the first place from the Word of Wisdom to principles of the Restoration and what it entails. These people still ¨go to church¨ but just different congregations believing it is the same since they are still worshipping God. Then, there are active members in the church. These members come to church nearly every Sunday, but they still don´t pay their tithing, they dress immodestly, etc. They aren´t truly converted. Then, there are those who are active in living the Gospel. They read the scriptures, pray daily, have noche de hogars, live the commandments because they want to, and attend both church and the temple regularly. The high counselor said that the stake is filled with active members, but there are usually only 2 or 3 families per ward who are truly active in living the gospel. As missionaries at church, we can see clearly who is doing this and who is not. The Lord needs more members who are active in living the gospel.

Well, that´s all I have this week. Hopefully more spiritually uplifting stories this next week.

-Elder Lund
Ocotillo, El Carmen, SPS 6/2/14 - 6/9/14

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